Our First Virtual Event

We held our first online reading on September 28 to celebrate all three of our publication seasons, from the current one to our first in 2021, gathering five brilliant June Road Press poets for a magical Thursday evening of readings, conversation, and community.

If you missed it—or if you were there and would like to revisit the beautiful exchange—you can watch a recording on our YouTube channel. While it doesn’t capture everything (the video omits a bit of the opening, doesn’t spotlight the speakers during their readings, and doesn’t include the vibrant audience commentary or chat links and information), it’ll give you a good sense of the spirit of our celebration.

We hope to hold more online readings like this in the future, so stay tuned: there’s a winter one in the works for the holiday season. And for those who were able to join us, thank you for your support and for sharing in this special experience.


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